After weeks of haranguing, filibusters, and Question Period clown shows, the prime minister’s chief of staff, Katie Telford, appeared at the Procedure and House Affairs committee. Shortly before she appeared, documents were tabled to show some dates of briefings the prime minister had with his National Security and Intelligence Advisor, but there weren’t many specifics, and in her testimony, Telford didn’t fill in any of those blanks. And nearly two-and-a-half hours were spent with Telford largely telling MPs that she couldn’t confirm or deny anything, except when the Liberals asked her to pat herself on the back for all of the actions the government has thus far taken around taking foreign interference seriously.
Today’s #PROC committee hearing:
— Dale Smith (@journo_dale) April 14, 2023
And of course, the Conservatives spent the time putting on a show for the camera, whether it was Larry Brock playing prosecutor—in spite of committee chair Bardish Chagger repeatedly warning him that this was a committee and not a court room—or Rachael Thomas’ rehearsed Disappointment Speech at the end. It was nothing but a dog and pony show.
Oh, her prepared speech went on too long, and Berthold didn’t get to give his recitation.
— Dale Smith (@journo_dale) April 14, 2023
This never should have happened. Telford never should have been summoned. We’ve once again damaged the fundamental precepts of parliamentary democracy and Responsible Government for the sake of some cheap theatre and clips for social media. Our Parliament should be a much more serious place, but this was just one more incidence of MPs debasing themselves and the institution for the sake of scoring a few cheap points.
Weeks of filibusters, and opposition insistence that Telford MUST testify, and this is what we got. Well done, everyone. #PROC
— Dale Smith (@journo_dale) April 14, 2023
Ukraine Dispatch:
Russian missiles struck the eastern city of Sloviansk, hitting residential buildings and killing at least nine people and wounding over 21.
Update: 2-year-old child among 8 killed, 21 injured in Russian missile strike on Sloviansk.
The death toll in the April 14 Russian missile strike on Sloviansk has risen to eight, Donetsk Oblast Governor Pavlo Kyrylenko said on national television.
— The Kyiv Independent (@KyivIndependent) April 14, 2023
It’s official: All eight Leopard 2 battle tanks promised by Canada for Ukraine have now arrived in Poland.
We’ll continue to #StandWithUkraine, and to provide Ukrainians with the tools that they need to fight and win this war.
— Anita Anand (@AnitaAnandMP) April 14, 2023