We’re now in day one-hundred-and-thirty-five of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, and it sounds like Russia might be taking an “operational pause” to regroup before they return to hammering Donetsk province…though there was still some shelling in the region. The Ukrainian flag is once again flying on Snake Island, which is a strategic access point to ports like Odessa. For his part, Putin says that he’s just getting started, and is daring the West to meet him on the battlefield, so that’s going well.
this heatmap shows the scale of destruction putin is inflicting on ukraine
the entire frontline is burning pic.twitter.com/Vw8i1J5JPC
— ian bremmer (@ianbremmer) July 7, 2022
CSE continues to observe numerous Russia-backed #disinformation campaigns online, which aim to support Russia’s brazen and unjustifiable invasion of Ukraine.
Keep reading for observations pulled from our classified reporting on this issue.
— Communications Security Establishment (CSE) (@cse_cst) July 7, 2022
Closer to home, the Patrick Brown saga continues, as the woman who was in his camp and reported the alleged financial misdeeds to the party came forward and said she blew the whistle, and detailed the allegation that a company was paying for her work on the campaign and that Brown knew about it (which he and his camp have denied). As this goes to the Commissioner of Elections, the Liberals, keen to make some mischief, sent in their own complaint to the Commissioner, asking him to investigate the Conservative Party as a whole in the event that they benefitted financially from any memberships the Brown camp sold that may have been done improperly. So that’s going well.
For context, former Flaherty staffer. https://t.co/LygKPQ1TFf
— Dale Smith (@journo_dale) July 7, 2022
More evidence of what a farce this LEOC process is. We’re accused, but not given evidence. So we search for evidence. And write LEOC with the Jodoin case on June 30. LEOC never responded. Here’s the excerpt from the letter. https://t.co/Bosu96onKV pic.twitter.com/FhlUUHotsy
— Chisholm Pothier (@chisholmp) July 8, 2022
I wrote a letter to the Commissioner of Canada Elections @cef_cce requesting an immediate, independent investigation into allegations of potential financial crimes in the current CPC leadership race that could have benefitted the Conservative Party of Canada. My letter is here: pic.twitter.com/gnOHktYLbC
— Adam van Koeverden (@vankayak) July 7, 2022
The party is also contending with how they will count votes for Brown that are received, given that they’re not reprinting ballots, and don’t want to just not count his votes in any way in case that alters the maths of the preferential ballot in some way, so…they’re consulting. And we’ll see what that says. Meanwhile, members of the Conservative committee vetting leadership candidates apparently warned the organizing committee not to approve Patrick Brown’s bid, but were overruled, so that’s also interesting.