Roundup: Peter Julian’s age of innocence

Over the weekend, I kept finding myself going back to this interview with NDP House Leader Peter Julian, who is trying to act like butter wouldn’t melt in his mouth when it comes to the current state of the House of Commons. Oh, they want to get work done, but if other parties make that impossible, they may have to factor that into our voting considerations.

My dude. Your leader’s decision to walk away from the deal with the Liberals in bad faith led to this situation. Your party’s decision to vote for this banana republic production order that has led to the current privilege standoff has led to this situation. Your decision to stop supporting the government in the face of relentless procedural warfare has led to this situation. You can’t just pretend like you’re the adults in the room and above it all when you were a direct contributor to this situation, and now you expect the government to pick up all of the pieces while you sit back and pretend the chaos you unleashed has nothing to do with you? Are you kidding me?

In the meantime, remember when the NDP kept saying that they don’t want to go to an election before the Foreign Interference Inquiry submitted its report, and that the government had time to make changes? What happened to that when you walked away from the deal in bad faith? The bill to implement some of those changes is still up for debate. Do those not matter anymore? Has nobody reminded you of your own words while you continue this particular fact like you didn’t cause the drama you are currently lamenting? How are you a serious political party? Honest to Zeus, you guys.

Ukraine Dispatch

Russians attacked Ukraine overnight Saturday with 87 drones and four different types of missiles. Ukrainian forces shot down another Russian plane, while Russian forces claimed they took over the village of Zhelanne Druhe.

Good reads:

  • There were marches to commemorate the October 7th attacks in Israel, and to protest the aftermath, over the weekend and carrying into today.
  • Here is a recap of last week’s testimony at the Foreign Interference Inquiry.
  • The Star delves into the Tenet Media scandal and the Canadian connections to far-right influencers being paid by Russia.
  • Here is an in-depth look at the rough ride the Bloc’s Supply Management bill is getting in the Senate (because senators can see that it’s bad policy).
  • I swear to Zeus, if the BC election turns on the issue of paper straws, I will lose my gods damned mind. Are. You. Kidding. Me?
  • Kevin Carmichael talks to the head of BDC about the government directive that they start taking more risks in order to nurture more start-ups.
  • Philippe Lagassé returns to the subject of the Bloc’s bill to forever exclude Supply Management from trade negotiations, and its textual absurdity as a statute.
  • Susan Delacourt wonders about the how Trudeau is building a relationship with Yves-François Blanchet in the wake of the NDP walking away from their deal.
  • Delacourt and Matt Gurney debate whatever happened to all of that talk about Liberal backbenchers trying to mutiny and oust the PM.

Odds and ends:

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