Roundup: Both-sidesing the Russian jet footage

Because this is sometimes a media criticism blog, I am going to call out The Canadian Press for their atrocious headline of “Tories delete Canadian dream video featuring what Liberals say are Russian jets.” *sigh* The Liberals didn’t say those were Russian jets—those were Russian jets. Anyone who knows about jets can tell what they are, and they certainly were not CF-18s or F-35s (as the new Canadian fighter jets will be). The problem of course is that CP feels the need to obsequiously both-sides absolutely gods-damned everything in the name of sounding neutral and balanced, rather than simply providing a proper fact-check like they should as the national wire service. It shouldn’t need to be framed as a partisan accusation that the video used stock footage of Russian jets because objectively that’s exactly what the video did—use stock footage of Russian jets when Poilievre’s speech was referencing new Canadian fighter jets (which again, are going to be F-35s).

I will note that CBC simply called out the fact with their own headline of “Conservative Party posts—then deletes—video showing Russian-made jets.” See—it’s accurate and fact-checks, and while the CBC is also just as obsequious as CP is with both-sidesing almost all of the time, they didn’t feel the need to couch this one in a partisan accusation in order to look like they weren’t the ones providing the factual correction. I wish I knew why CP is so gun-shy when it comes to actually calling out this kind of thing rather than always couching it in a partisan accusation (because again, this isn’t the first time this has happened), whether it’s because they’re afraid Poilievre will continue to harass their reporters at press conferences (which appeasing won’t actually help), or because they’re so afraid of being sued that they won’t dare call a spade a spade on their own. Either way, it’s not really serving Canadians to behave this way.

Meanwhile, the Liberals and NDP pounced on that video, including Bill Blair using that footage incident to accuse the Conservatives of being “soft on Russia.” And the Conservative Party’s spokesperson responded that “mistakes happen,” but then went on to excuse it by pointing out that the Liberals once used stock footage of a crowd rather than an image of real supporters at an event. Because apparently if it’s not both-sidesing, it’s whataboutism. (Could we all just be grown-ups in this country for a change?)

Ukraine Dispatch

Ukraine’s air defences downed all 11 drones launched overnight Sunday, targeting a number of cities including Kyiv. Civilians in Pokrovsk in Ukraine have been fleeing as Russians advance on their city, destroying outlying settlements as they approach, and the Ukrainian forces say they need to be out in a week or two. In Kursk, Ukrainian forces destroyed another bridge to slow Russian responses, while president Zelenskyy says that their incursion into Kurk shows that Russia’s alleged “red lines” are just a bluff, which they have now called.

Good reads:

  • Labour minister Steve MacKinnon is meeting with representatives of the two main railways and their unions ahead of the lockout deadline.
  • Mélanie Joly announced $1 million to help with the mpox outbreak in Africa, as she was visiting a vaccine coordination centre in Ivory Coast.
  • Northern Affairs minister Dan Vandal thinks there were better choices to appoint to the Senate than Charles Adler (which may be a breach of Cabinet solidarity).
  • The federal government is going to freeze approvals for temporary foreign workers in Montreal for the next six months per the province’s request.
  • The Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs want the prime minister and Governor General to rescind Charles Adler’s Senate appointment. (No, the GG can’t do that).
  • A court challenge has been filed to force the government to enact its own legislation on making MAiD available for mental illness as the sole concern.
  • A recent report shows that the two business sectors responsible for the majority of capital gains earned didn’t create any jobs over the past five years. (You don’t say!)
  • The federal Liberals have pulled out of the Ottawa Pride parade because of the controversy over their pro-Palestinian statement.

Odds and ends:

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One thought on “Roundup: Both-sidesing the Russian jet footage

  1. The irony here of course is that when it comes to defending our “home and native land” Canada’s needs will be much better served with the Russian-made jets rather than the Lockheed-Martin F35’s. The Liberals recently pledged to buy 88 of these overpriced turkeys for nearly $74 billion (probably part of the free trade deal) over the next few decades. The F35’s, as everyone knows, have been plagued with problems and cost overruns since their inception and it’s not getting any better.

    First deliveries are scheduled in 2026 but there could be delays due to “ongoing technical difficulties”. In fact, the U.S. Air Force general in charge of the program has warned production could be shut down if the problems aren’t fixed soon.

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