Roundup: The crybully edit

Because yes, everything is that stupid, the Conservatives are crying that Justin Trudeau is racist because in his speech to caucus, he referred to Conservative candidate Jamil Jivani as a “twofer,” and then immediately says that it’s because Jivani is an “insider and an ideologue,” and went on to talk about how he’s a parachute candidate in the Durham by-election. Not sure why this was a topic in said speech to caucus, but it was.

Jivani then edited the video and just used the part where Trudeau referred to him as the “twofer,” said he didn’t know what that was supposed to mean—even though he deliberately edited out the part where Trudeau spelled it out—and then recited the Pierre Poilievre slogan checklist. Partisans posted a purported definition of “twofer” as a person from an underprivileged background who can fulfil two quotas or appeal to two political constituencies—a definition I have never heard in my life—and started screaming racism, and revived the whole Blackface thing, because of course they did.

The point here is that this is yet another example of the very same Conservatives who mock the “snowflakes” on the left who need their trigger warnings, and trying to play crybully at the very same time. They did it to me when I said that a joke was lame, and tried to insist that I threatened to shoot one of their MPs (which they know full well is not what I said). They are so quick to play the victim because they think that it works for “the left,” and so therefore it should work for them equally, which is dumb, and completely doesn’t get the point that people on the left make about oppressive language, or structural racism, or what have you. They make this big song and dance about how censorious the “left” is (and yeah, some of them are), but then immediately try to replicate it while at the same time try and insist that they’re the ones who are all about free speech and so on. It’s childish, it’s dishonest, and when they have to edit video and lie to try and make their crybully point, it’s even more obnoxious.

Ukraine Dispatch:

Russians continue to insist that Ukraine shot down that plane that allegedly contained POWs, but won’t provide evidence or access to the crash site (making it even more likely that this is an info op). There is also word that president Volodymyr Zelenskyy has invited Xi Jinping to the forthcoming peace talks in Switzerland.

Good reads:

  • Mélanie Joly released a statement on the ICJ ruling on the case regarding the genocide charge against Israel, and it continues to be entirely on the fence.
  • Canada has suspended funding to UNRWA after they launched an investigation into allegations that several employees were involved in the October 7th attacks.
  • The Fiscal Monitor shows that the federal government posted a $19.1 billion deficit for the first eight months of the fiscal year.
  • Bank of Canada governor Tiff Macklem says that the cap on student visas should help relieve some of the pressures on rents.
  • Former National Security and Intelligence Advisor Jody Thomas says that Canada is “working back toward” a healthier relationship with India.
  • On his way out, David Lametti says the government shouldn’t be afraid of moving ahead with extending MAiD to issues solely of psychiatric disorders.
  • As part of their negotiations over pharmacare legislation, the NDP are pushing for federal coverage of certain essential medicines.
  • The federal housing advocate was in Labrador to talk about the “deplorable” living conditions for Inuit in that region.
  • Ontario is imposing a moratorium on those private-public partnership colleges, which is just handwaving on the student visa issue.
  • There are now more details on the proposed search of the landfill outside of Winnipeg, including the asbestos hazards present for the search.
  • Chris Selley counsels the Conservatives to not engage in the same faux-outrage that the Liberals and NDP have employed, as they are with the Jivani edited video.

Odds and Ends:

I was on the Hill Times’ Hot Room podcast, talking about the return of Parliament next week.

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