Roundup: Just what farm emissions are subject to the carbon levy?

While Pierre Poilievre continues to insist that the federal carbon levy is driving up food prices, he provides no proof of that other than his “common sense” reckon that the levy increases the price of everything.

It doesn’t really, but Poilievre likes to make you think it does. So, University of Alberta’s Andrew Leach has crunched the numbers, and lo, the carbon levy is exempt on very nearly all farm emissions, and contributes but a fraction to other expenses, like transportation. Of course, Poilievre is lying to make you angry, but it’s nice to have some receipts to know just exactly what the lies are.

Ukraine Dispatch:

The fallout of that Russian plane downing that allegedly carried Ukrainian POWs continues to reverberate, as Russia claims they gave Ukraine a 15-minute warning about said plane, which Ukraine denies; as well, Ukraine’s human rights commissioner says that he believes this is an information op because the list of supposed POWs provided included several names on it that had previously been swapped. Several Ukrainian state organisations are reporting that they are experiencing cyber-attacks. Russia is also claiming that Ukrainian drones are responsible for an attack on an oil refinery in Russia’s south.

Good reads:

  • In a speech to caucus, Justin Trudeau said that Poilievre is voting against Ukraine to appease supporters of Putin, and called out other extremists in the party.
  • Ahead of the speech, a group of ministers summoned the media to decry Danielle Smith trying to get Tucker Carlson to target Steven Guilbeault.
  • Bill Blair says the Canadian Forces will continue to be there for people in emergencies in spite of resourcing challenges (which lets premiers off the hook).
  • The UK has paused trade talks as they broke down over access to our cheese market, Canadian farmers wanting hormone-fed beef into theirs, and luxury cars.
  • Mexico is claiming that asylum claims from their country are dropping, as they try to avoid the Canadian government imposing visa restrictions on Mexican travellers.
  • Former justice minister David Lametti is resigning his seat at the end of the month and will be going to private practice instead of back to his law professor post.
  • Liberal backbench MP Ken McDonald is walking back his call for a leadership review of Trudeau (which the party constitution wouldn’t allow anyway).
  • Jagmeet Singh says that working with the Liberals on pharmacare is like “slimy eels” (which is very mature of him).
  • Nova Scotia is hiring more Crown prosecutors to deal with their backlog of cases.
  • Not unexpectedly, colleges in Ontario are decrying the proposed international student visa cap (because they have been exploiting it).
  • Doug Ford has lost another minister, Parm Gill, who plans to run federally. He did previously serve as an MP under Stephen Harper.
  • Manitoba First Nations say they have a plan to search the landfill near Winnipeg for the remains of murdered women, but need the funds to do so.
  • New research suggests that Alberta’s oilsands projects put out more harmful air pollution than they officially say they do. (Try to look surprised!)
  • Philippe Lagassé wonders if the federal government shouldn’t take a page from the British Crown and assert a Crown prerogative around keeping the peace.

Odds and Ends:

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One thought on “Roundup: Just what farm emissions are subject to the carbon levy?

  1. One would rarely see the mainstream press publish a rebuttal explainer on the virtually negligible effect of the carbon levy on food prices. Thanks for doing so. The authoritarian handbook posits the path to success is a series of lies, gaslighting and causing factional chaos among the hoi polloi. Polly like Trump has perfected the art. Of course one doesn’t have to look closely to discover that wannabe dictators publicize no policies just “trust me I have all the answers and quick fixes.”

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