Roundup: A conspicuous lack of self-reflection

It has not gone unnoticed that while Conservatives have been decrying the rise in antisemitism, there has been absolutely zero introspection about the kinds of deeply antisemitic conspiracy theories that they have been promulgating in an attempt to win the far-right fringe votes that they think will push them over the edge to electoral victories.


It wasn’t that long ago that there was a song and dance about how Kerry-Lynne Findlay’s tweets about how “shocking” it was that Chrystia Freeland interviewed George Soros when she was a journalist, were supposed to result in some kind of apology to Jewish groups, but nothing really came of it. Findlay is now the caucus whip, and the party is still sending out mailers about the dangers of the World Economic Forum, which Poilievre himself has denounced for incredibly stupid reasons. And yet, there is absolutely zero self-awareness that their pushing conspiracy theories is helping to feed this. And while there is a tonne of equivocating about how it’s really the “left” that is antisemitic and dangerous, they refuse to look at themselves in the mirror. This all remains so deeply stupid.

Ukraine Dispatch:

A Russian missile struck an apartment block in the eastern town of Selydove, killing two and wounding three. Ukrainian forces have confirmed that they have established a beachhead on the eastern banks of the Dnipro River, which is a milestone in the ongoing counter-offensive. Civil society groups in Ukraine estimate that the death toll on their side is around 30,000 troops.

Good reads:

  • 100 police officers were called in to a Vancouver restaurant when Justin Trudeau was mobbed by pro-Palestinian protesters.
  • With Trudeau having been rebuked by Benjamin Netanyahu for his “maximum restraint” comments, here is a timeline of his statements on the conflict.
  • The government’s new Airbus A330 had its inaugural international flight taking Trudeau to San Francisco for the APEC Summit.
  • Trudeau’s office has published new mandate letters for ministers Terry Beech and Carla Qualtrough, but says all other ministers’ letters remain the same.
  • Sean Fraser is pushing back against Poilievre’s derogatory remarks about the Housing Accelerator Fund.
  • Military prosecutors want severe punishment for anti-vaxxer/convoy personality James Topp for trying to incite a mutiny in the ranks. (Poilievre cozied up to Topp).
  • First Nations in Ontario and the Manitoba Métis Federation are balking at recognition of the “Métis Nation of Ontario,” which they say have no real claims.
  • Loblaws announced big profits in the last quarter, so expect the NDP’s call for a windfall tax to go to eleven.
  • Senator Paula Simons talks about how the “freeze” on the carbon price on home heating oil derailed debate in the Senate on the bill to lift the price on farm fuels.
  • The NDP have again rejected the government’s proposed pharmacare legislation, which they expect to pass within twenty sitting days. (Good luck with that).
  • An Ontario government report says that the province should lift its tuition “freeze” (really a funding cut) and increase the per-student funding because of high inflation.
  • Kevin Carmichael lays out what he wants to see in the fiscal update from the government when it comes to doing their part to tame inflation.
  • Stephen Saideman talks about the duelling irredentism of the Israel-Hamas conflict, and why irredentism never ends well for any party involved.
  • Colby Cosh remarks on the political resurrection of David Cameron.

Odds and ends:

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