Roundup: Johnston’s classified last word

In what appears to be a growing habit of waiting until the prime minister is out of the country, His Excellency David Johnston turned in the final version of his report last night, stating that this was all classified material added to the confidential annex to his previous report, and that the public title page was updated, and with that, he’s not answering any more questions as he is no longer Special Rapporteur. You can pretty much imagine him giving the finger as he did so, considering what he was subjected to for stepping up (though I will reiterate the point that Philippe Lagassé correctly makes in saying that former Governors General should not be seen or heard). The Privy Council Office responded publicly that they received it, and thanked him for his service.

As this was happening, NSIRA put out a public statement saying that they’re going through Johnston’s findings in the confidential version of his report, but said that certain Cabinet confidences were not being disclosed to them, and that only a limited number of documents were handed over, and if they are to examine things, they and NSICOP need to see everything, which is fair enough. Given that Trudeau had waived Cabinet confidences for Johnston, I suspect this is more the work of the civil servants and their obsessive desire for secrecy, but it is a bit curious that NSIRA did call the government out so publicly like that, and once again, Trudeau pretty much needs to be shamed into doing something that should have been a matter of course.

Ukraine Dispatch:

Despite reclaiming another village in the southeast, Ukraine admits that not a lot has changed along the southern front just yet. President Volodymyr Zelenskyy did visit with troops along the eastern front, and presented medals to those on the front lines. Meanwhile, the Russia/Wagner Group infighting has improved Ukrainian morale along the front lines.

As for the aborted mutiny/attempted coup, here are four things we do know about the outcome, and four things we don’t. In the meantime, the memes are just getting started, and there are some pretty good ones.

Good reads:

  • From the Nordic leaders’ summit in Iceland, Trudeau sounded a cautious note on commenting about the Russian mutiny/attempted coup.
  • The federal government says they won’t repatriate a Quebec woman and her six children from a Syrian detention camp because of her “extremist views.”
  • While the government pledges to phase-out “inefficient fossil fuel subsidies” by the end of the year, there is debate as to what qualifies as a “subsidy” or “inefficient.”
  • A group of doctors in the Canadian Medical Association Journal is calling on all provinces to collect race-based health date in order to address inequities.
  • Some three hundred current and former Canadian Forces personnel are hoping to sue the government for the mandatory vaccination policy.
  • Human rights groups are calling on the federal government to end the use of provincial jails for immigration detention (as provinces are cancelling agreements).
  • A US federal judge says that Enbridge must complete their detour of Line 5 out of Bad River Band territory by June 2026.
  • The Commons’ defence committee is calling on the government to levy sanctions against groups or individuals who target Canadians with disinformation.
  • Blaine Higgs is being accused of launching a “vicious” verbal tirade on his party’s grassroots leadership over the weekend. (Expect calls for his ouster to grow).
  • Former NDP MP Olivia Chow has won the by-election to become mayor of Toronto.
  • Over 100 doctors in Alberta are calling for an investigation and apology for the hiring and rapid firing of Dr. Deena Hinshaw and the likely political interference.

Odds and ends:

Umair Haque writes about how coming to Canada for university literally saved his life, and it’s a wonderful, haunting essay to read.

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