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	Comments on: Roundup: Sanctimonious outrage over unsavoury characters	</title>
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	<description>The adventures of a Press Gallery journalist</description>
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		By: margsview		</title>

		<pubDate>Fri, 02 Dec 2022 20:24:31 +0000</pubDate>
		<guid isPermaLink="false">https://www.routineproceedings.com/?p=11080#comment-16039</guid>

					<description><![CDATA[Two things--Doug Ford (like Harper should have been forced to pay for attempted legal changes sought thru the Courts-instead of Parliament) should also pay to change laws, especially since no one has bothered to ask if his attempts are Constitutional.  
And where&#039;s the outrage and firing of such a lame duck medic, who asked that any one not adhering to booster shot protocols, be labeled mentally ill (was it ?)?  Seems this navel gazer should read up on the pile of lawsuits flowing from those in the know, about toxic side-effects and a litany of major disabling injuries caused by vaccines and boosters, said not to adhere to proper time-framed protocols. ..]]></description>
			<content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>Two things&#8211;Doug Ford (like Harper should have been forced to pay for attempted legal changes sought thru the Courts-instead of Parliament) should also pay to change laws, especially since no one has bothered to ask if his attempts are Constitutional.<br />
And where&#8217;s the outrage and firing of such a lame duck medic, who asked that any one not adhering to booster shot protocols, be labeled mentally ill (was it ?)?  Seems this navel gazer should read up on the pile of lawsuits flowing from those in the know, about toxic side-effects and a litany of major disabling injuries caused by vaccines and boosters, said not to adhere to proper time-framed protocols. ..</p>