Roundup: No further comment

In the event you have been cut off from the news cycle, I became the story yesterday as MP Garnett Genuis raised a point of privilege, and said that I made him feel “unsafe.” While I won’t comment much further until the Speaker makes a ruling on this, I have selected a few tweets from the day about the incident.


Ukraine Dispatch, Day 211:

While the operational pause on Ukraine’s counterattack continues, they have been engaged in recovering bodies that have been unburied for months from earlier in the invasion. It also looks like a high-profile prisoner swap has been arranged, that will include some of the defenders of Mariupol.

Good reads:

  • Mélanie Joly says she’s not in favour of a Russian visa ban, because it will trap dissidents and those avoiding being conscripted to fight in Ukraine.
  • Steven Guilbeault says Canada doesn’t need a windfall tax on energy companies because we already have a carbon price and strong regulations.
  • Sources™ say the government is going to lift border restrictions and make use of ArriveCan optional, but are still undecided on mask mandates for planes and trains.
  • The government has named career diplomat Jennifer May as the new ambassador to China, nine months after Dominic Barton’s resignation.
  • The planned statutory review of cannabis legalisation is finally getting underway, a year late, with an expert panel to be named soon.
  • A Commons committee looked into the costs of the catering on the Governor General’s trip to the Middle East, and lo, catering monopolies charge a lot of money.
  • Stephanie Carvin examines whether or not we’re really seeing a cyber war in Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.
  • Heather Scoffield ponders the decline in home ownership shown in census data.
  • Susan Delacourt remarks on the first QP showdown between Poilievre and Trudeau as the fireworks that weren’t, and sees that as maybe not a bad thing.

Odds and ends:

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2 thoughts on “Roundup: No further comment

  1. Viz ‘stable genuis’–perhaps you written in Anglo-Saxon since English gives these dweebs such a difficult time.

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