Roundup: Gatherings in advance of the funeral

As Canadian officials were in London over the weekend in advance of the Queen’s funeral, a number of meetings took place between the prime minister and King Charles III, and the King also met with the Governors General of the Realms. Trudeau also met with the new UK prime minister, Liz Truss and other world leaders, while back at Canada House, Mary May Simon invested Stephen Harper into the Order of Canada, while former prime ministers and Governors General took some time together.

Ukraine Dispatch, Day 207:

While the counter-offensive remains paused to allow supply lines to catch up and the units to recuperate, discoveries continue in cities and villages recently liberated. Beyond the mass grave found in Izyum, torture chambers have been found in Kozacha Lopan near the border. Russian forces continue to target civilian infrastructure, and have stepped up attacks since being forced from recently liberated areas. Meanwhile, Kharkiv is celebrating Pride, which is an accomplishment in a country still largely hostile to LGBTQ+ rights, as they are being invaded by a country that has been weaponising homophobia.

Good reads:

  • Justin Trudeau says the messy constitutional wrangling of trying to abolish the monarchy is a non-starter (which is the correct answer).
  • Once the funeral is over, Trudeau is headed to the UN General Assembly.
  • Here is what to expect at the national memorial ceremony for the Queen to be held in Ottawa today.
  • The Star has a longread about the current malaise in democracy, and talks to MPs from all parties about what they see the threats to democracy are.
  • The Star gets some of the behind-the-scenes details of Poilievre’s leadership campaign, going to his aborted attempt post-Scheer and his clashes with O’Toole.
  • Jagmeet Singh is trying to flex his muscles and say he won’t compromise on making dental care fully federally administered—when it’s provincial jurisdiction. FFS.
  • Chantal Hébert evaluates Poilievre’s first week vis-à-vis Quebec, and how he suffered a lot of self-inflicted damage thanks to the Rayes fallout.

Odds and ends:

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