There was a lot of discussion about government communications this weekend, and a lot to ponder on about it. First of all, there was this thread, which is long but worthwhile to read, because it gives a lot of context and examples of what it is we talk about with regard to these kinds of communications issues.
Another example of poor government communications were the proliferation of Cabinet ministers, and others from across party lines, and several who weren’t in Canada, posing with signs that said #StandWithUkraine.
They all looked ridiculous and like hollow performance, it was a combination of trying to appease the Ukrainian-Canadian lobby here in Canada (which largely advocates for the Conservatives, for what it’s worth), but part of a movement to try and get the hashtag trending over the weekend, because apparently international relations and diplomacy is really turning into a junior high exercise of being mean to one another over Twitter. (Meanwhile, haven’t politicians learned not to pose with signs like that, because they just get photoshopped?)
Oh God, was that all just a hamhanded way of making #standwithukraine trend?
— Chris Selley (@cselley) January 24, 2022
Good reads:
- The Canadian Trucking Alliance has condemned the “convoy” of grifters and former Yellow Vesters claiming to protest the vaccine mandate for truckers.
- Ukraine’s president has thanked Canada for the $120 million loan, which will help shore up their economy.
- Here’s a look at why two years’ of preparation failed in the omicron wave (but it’s mostly people blaming the federal government for the provinces’ failures).
- The head of the Royal Canadian Navy talks about how his mistaken golf game with General Vance led him to actively engage with sexual misconduct survivor groups.
- Here are some of the plans being drawn up for the Queen’s platinum Jubilee, which takes place on February 6th, but will be celebrated June 2nd.
- Adnan Khan calls out the “war hawks” and far-right commentators agitating for a muscular or military response in Ukraine, as it will only make matters worse.
- Heather Scoffield points out that young, underpaid workers, mostly in retail, are facing the brunt of the anger of anti-maskers/vaxxers.
- Chantal Hébert delves into the generational divide in Quebec, and why François Legault may not have the support he thinks he does for things like Law 21.
- Susan Delacourt takes aim at the government’s over-reliance on talking points and slogans as one of the reasons everyone is feeling pandemic fatigue.
Odds and ends:
New episodes released early for C$7+ subscribers. #cdnpoli
— Dale Smith (@journo_dale) January 23, 2022
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Why Canada is giving 120 million dollars to a bunch of kleptomaniacs and Neo-nazis defeats me.
Because they’re the lesser of two evils. The greater of two evils has designs on reconquering Eastern Europe, then rolling into Scandinavia and possibly the Canadian Arctic (likely with Dostoyevsky’s Useful Idiot back in the White House). Appeasement didn’t work when another guy did that in the 1930s.
Maybe he says the same things because when he goes off-script he gets pounced on by the gotcha press looking to make themselves the story. Poor guy can’t win for losing. After all he’s been through, all he’s done for Canada and gotten no thanks for it, Trudeau should just answer every stupid question of theirs with “f***k you” and see how the press jackals like that for a talking point.