Roundup: Considerations before making masks mandatory

As the mask debate continues to circle around and around, one of the things that seems to need pointing out is that if you’re going to mandate wearing masks (which, it needs to be re-stated is a provincial and/or municipal decision and not a federal one), that is going to have to come with some sort of consequences for not adhering to rules for wearing it, and that’s where things get very sticky, and start getting into areas where civil liberties start getting at stake – and if there are to be no consequences for not adhering, then what’s the point of making them mandatory? So it’s not really as easy as you may think.

Meanwhile, here is infectious disease specialist Dr. Isaac Bogoch on why this is not a cut-and-dried discussion.

Good reads:

  • The federal government has pledged another $300 million to foreign assistance around COVID-19, but naturally are being encouraged to pledge far more.
  • The New NAFTA is about to be formally enacted on Wednesday, as the Americans are talking about new tariffs.
  • As airlines move to relax physical distancing rules (claiming HEPA filters and so on), there are opposition calls for the federal government to mandate it.
  • The National Post has a lengthy piece about the confusion around what systemic racism means, and why that confusion leads to some people reject its importance.
  • The Conservatives want the Auditor General to audit the government outsourcing the student grant programme to WE Charities. (Sure, what’s one more task for her?)
  • Chantal Hébert looks at the dwindling number of options for Trudeau when it comes to dealing with China and the situation with the Two Michaels.

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2 thoughts on “Roundup: Considerations before making masks mandatory

  1. I wear a mask everytime I go out in public. I do this to protect others as I know the mask won’t stop the virus as I breath in,but will mitigate my breath as I breathe out. I now see hardly any masks being worn by others. I guess they don’t care about me. Why is that?

  2. See, I knew WE-gate would end up being another Scheer stupidity nontroversy just like the secret mansion at Harrington Lake. This has all the makings of trying to paint Sophie and Margaret (!) as “Crooked Hillary” I and II. The WE charity does good work, and it just makes them look really, really low. But I await Skippy going full tinfoil and demanding a full inquiry into pizza and ping pong tables being purchased via a private email server in the basement of the Pierre Trudeau Foundation. “The Kielburger brothers killed Ben Ghazi and Seth Rich in the parking lot of West Point Grey Academy. Don’t believe me? It’s Tru, deau!” I’m sure Fife will oblige Ezra another garbage op-ed column calling for Big ‘Dris to testify about the whereabouts of the missus. The Cons need to get off MAGA conspiracy Twitter, do some actual work, and come up with credible policies instead of manufacturing outrage. If they can’t or won’t do that, they need to just go away.

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