Roundup: An emergency clip-gathering

Sympathetic protests continue across the country as Justin Trudeau and several Cabinet ministers convened the Incidence Response Group yesterday, but had little to say as they emerged, other than dialogue remains the best option to resolve the situation as opposed to sending in the police to crack heads. Some new protests included demonstrations that closed Bloor Street in Toronto, and another blockade on the Thousand Islands international bridge (which was short-lived). Carolyn Bennett is still waiting on more meetings, apparently, while the CBC got a leaked recording from Marc Miller’s meeting with the Mohawks in Ontario on Sunday, so there’s that. And amidst this, police associations are grousing that they’re caught in the middle of all of this, criticized for both being too aggressige and not doing enough at the same time.

And with Parliament back again today, the request has been made for an emergency debate on the situation – but I can tell you right now that it’s going to be nothing shy of a five-alarm clown show. If the Speaker decides to grant it, it’ll happen after the close of regular business, so somewhere between 6 and 7 PM, and designated to run until midnight, unless debate collapses sooner. But you can bet that the most that can come of it – and the parties bloody well know it – is that they’ll simply be gathering clips for their social media of their righteous indignation for their side of the debate, whether it’s that the economy is being affected, that police are supposedly not enforcing the rule of law (hint – that’s not what “rule of law” means), or that this government has failed in its goals of reconciliation (as though that could happen in the space of four years). And if it’s outraged clips they want, well, isn’t that what Question Period has devolved into? In other words, I see zero actual utility in the exercise, but then again, I’m cynical (or realistic) like that.

Meanwhile, Susan Delacourt tries to evaluate this government’s communications around the current situation after they handled the previous two (Flight PS752 and COVID-19) fairly well, and outlines the difference between complex and complicated problems. But being unable to communicate their way out of a wet paper bag is this government’s usual schtick, so that should be no surprise.

Good reads:

  • The federal government is asking the Quebec courts for four more months to get revised medical assistance in dying legislation through the process.
  • It sounds like the government may be looking to fund a feasibility study on a tunnel between Labrador and Newfoundland.
  • Certain Conservatives are threatening not to pass the government’s planned legislation to update the Citizenship Oath because of the protest blockades.
  • Here’s a look at how the Canadian Forces are trying to deal with any white supremacists or other similar ilk in their ranks.
  • Telus claims they’ve already exceeded the Liberals’ promised 25 percent mobile rate cut, which is only true if they have a 2018 start date (which wasn’t the promise).
  • It turns out that the Conservative Fund allotted Andrew Scheer $200,000 for his expenses, and he spent $925,000! (!!!) And nobody wants to answer questions.
  • Newfoundland and Labrador premier Dwight Ball announced his resignation. (He plans to stay on as premier until his replacement is chosen).

Odds and ends:

My latest Loonie Politics video tried to breakdown the explanation of the protests in under five minutes. Turns out it too me six.

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3 thoughts on “Roundup: An emergency clip-gathering

  1. Why don’t Julian and Singh demand “substantive and timely action” from Horgan instead of pounding their desks and making Trudeau the fall guy for “failing” indigenous people? Tell him to sit down with the chiefs and iron out this mess!

    Tell Horwath to stop being AWOL and press Ford to quit offloading from Queen’s Park to Ottawa. Oh, wait, Dougie Duck went to Disney World, but Singh was all feigning outrage that Trudeau was “lacking leadership” by going abroad for a diplomatic trip (not a “vacation” or “vanity trip” as is so often reported). You down with OPP?

    Trudeau can’t order the cops to go in and crack skulls any more than he can order them to pack up and go home. Naive Delusional Party that doesn’t “get” provincial vs. federal responsibility except when it’s convenient to slag the PM. So much for love and courage.

  2. A mohawk Chief slagged Scheer and his “conservative” party this morning and gave praise to Trudeau. He got that right. The cons are the cause of much division in Canada. The should be renamed the Divisionist Party of Canada owing it existence to one Stephen Harper.

  3. Follow the rules seems like a weird message for the people you point out spend all day breaking the rules and ignoring cautions from the Speaker of the House when they scream and shout out of turn during QP?

    Also this dispute over the LNG pipeline has been going on for over 2 years yet it was R.C.M.P. coming to remove the blockade (and the press obsession with not being able to cover it) that lead to all these in-support blockades so why would more removals lead to less blockades?

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