Roundup: Negotiation and bad timing

On Thanksgiving Monday, Justin Trudeau headed to Windsor to boost the local candidates there (given it’s a seat they think they can take from the NDP), and he spoke about the New NAFTA and how the NDP wanted to re-open it and attempt to negotiate with Donald Trump, while also casting the Conservatives of being incapable of doing so either. Trudeau also refused to make any comments regarding a possible coalition, before he toured other smaller communities in the area and ended the day in Hamilton.

Andrew Scheer went to Winnipeg, which is currently under a state of emergency given the massive snowstorm that has downed power lines across the province. While Indigenous evacuees at the hotel where Scheer was making his announcement denounced his being there to campaign, Scheer went ahead nevertheless, made a confusing statement about making a personal donation to the Red Cross for those evacuees (which he then couldn’t give a straight answer about as to how much and when he donated), before he outlined a promise for a fiscal update within 45 days of the election, before raising the spectre of how terrible a Liberal-NDP-Green coalition would be.

Jagmeet Singh was on Granville Island in Vancouver to rally more supporters, where he started prevaricating about his coalition talk a day earlier, because maybe it was a bad idea to make such strong statements about it.

Other election stories:

  • Pollsters discuss why this election is “dirtier” than previous ones.
  • Chinese social media company WeChat has been breaking elections laws by running Conservative (lying) ads without registering with Elections Canada.
  • Here’s a profile of the election as it’s playing out in Surrey, BC.
  • Rural Albertans, who have voted Conservative federally for decades and who are openly hostile to other parties, are “frustrated” nobody is visiting them. Funny that.
  • Here’s a recounting of one of Andrew Scheer’s campaign stops in BC.

Good reads:

  • Chantal Hébert tracks the rise of the Bloc over the past few months.

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One thought on “Roundup: Negotiation and bad timing

  1. Singh only said that to lull voters into a false sense of security to increase NDP vote share and split the vote. His newfound fame has gone to his head, and shame on the media for not pressing him on the stupid pie-in-the-sky promises he makes, which are ignorant of federal/provincial jurisdiction and wholly unrealistic. This election feels like US 2016 where Bernie Sanders got the same ego trip and cost Hillary the presidency thanks to his progressive purity cult. Both Sanders and Singh are emotion-driven populists ignorant of policy, who are OK running spoiler campaigns that only benefit the right as long as they get to “own the neolibs.” The NDP and the Liberals will never merge because the NDP wants to be the only non-CPC alternative and “get the Liberals out of the way.” What a stupid and tragic sh*tshow this election has turned out to be. Poor Canada.

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