Roundup: One year post-Layton

Today marks the one-year anniversary of Jack Layton’s death, and there will be a number of memorial events taking place. Olivia Chow reflects on her life without Layton, while the public remains in the dark about just what kind of cancer it was that he died of, which raises questions about the secrecy we allow political leaders when it comes to questions of their health during elections.

Elections Canada has updated its figures on robo-call complaints it’s investigating (1394 complaints in 234 ridings), but it won’t turn over its documents to the Federal Court for the Council of Canadians’ court challenge of the results in seven ridings. (And really, it’s about interfering with their own ongoing investigation, not a conspiracy).

Here’s a recounting of the NDP’s Potemkin committee hearing on the F-35s yesterday. We don’t actually have any standing defence policy that their procurement can be applied towards, and apparently they’re still in the early testing phases so we won’t even have a realistic idea about their capabilities for several more years.

While in the Yukon, Stephen Harper announced that they will be updating revenue sharing agreements in a way that will be more favourable to the territory. He also took an ATV ride, which seems to be another annual tradition, except that it happened to be a delicate ecosystem. Oops. Meanwhile, Yukon MP Ryan Leef referred to Stephen Harper as the “prime minister of cannibal.” Aaron Wherry wonders if this is related to Bev Oda and the “nutritious babies.”

Maclean’s looks at the way in which the Harper government is fighting with the Courts, who keep striking down their mandatory minimums and who are being too “activist” for their liking.

The government is seeking private sector involvement in the operation of its energy plants in the National Capital Region, possibly in the form of public-private partnerships.

The Liberals have signed up some 20,000 new “supporters,” who are not actually party members but who can vote for the new leader. Of course, they’re concerned that there may be “anti-Liberals” in the mix. Gee, you think? I stand by my assertion that this is possibly the most bone-headed decision the party could have made.

And here’s a look inside the Library and Archives Preservation Centre in Gatineau.